- #Macpilot alternative manual#
- #Macpilot alternative password#
- #Macpilot alternative plus#
- #Macpilot alternative series#

#Macpilot alternative password#
Preference/option to require password for MacPilot prior to launching.Automate tasks by dragging and dropping (ie.

Edit multiple files at once in File Browser.Character Map should localize keystroke combos for non-US layouts.Automatically open in Advanced mode as an option.File Browser should allow properly editing modern Tags (multi-values/custom names).Internet Config Manager on macOS to change the default handler for file types.Create ASR (source, destination, exclusions, read only/compressed, reset setup assistant, remove users).Disk cloning (source, destination, exclusions, optimization, bootable, replace existing, log).Swap/VM Manager (hide container/ support non-IDE, drive, and max.Make iCal alarm sounds play a preview when selected.Calculate folder item sizes in list view (optional).Label Color should be replaced with "tags".defaults write Color:Invisibles:Other -string "rgb(x,y,z)".defaults write Color:Invisibles:Spaces -string "rgb(x,y,z)".Add a setting to enable/disable auto-quitting X11 when X11 child apps quit.Spaces: Set different wallpapers for each space.Desktop Screensaver support for multiple Spaces.Allow "Start Desktop Screensaver" after reboots (via a LaunchAgent or shell script).
#Macpilot alternative plus#
Ability to set the default size of new Finder windows, plus the default column widths.Increase the default width of the columns in column view (in Finder).Add Size and other columns to search results ().Disable local Time Machine snapshots with: sudo tmutil disable local.Set Login Window picture for 10.7 and later.Disable automatic mounting of file system.Set precise screensaver/wake from sleep password delay: defaults -currentHost write askForPasswordDelay -int 1800.Faster keyboard repeat rate: defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0.Set the default size of the Open and Save dialog boxes in all applications.QuickLook: list of installed qlgenerators & their types.CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts and/or CGContextSetShouldAntialias.Change SSH Port, FTP Port, SMB, HTTP Port.Ability to set a preference or a group of preferences to be prevented from syncing in an iCloud environment.Set system volume levels by decimal instead of a slider.Change the background for Mission Control.Purge inactive system memory (purge command line tool is for disk buffers not RAM).There is a way to remove the really annoying swipe actions in Apple's Mail as detailed at:.Downloads/Mail\ Downloads Or alternatively, to make Mail downloads appear directly in the Downloads folder$ mV Library/Mail\ Downloads/* Downloads/ mv Library/Mail\ Downloads/.* Downloads/ cd Library rmdir Mail\ Downloads ln -s. Use alternate folder for attachments: $ mv Library/Mail\ Downloads Downloads/ cd Library ln -s.Set default Reply header to match the default Forward header and/or the ability to modify both Reply and Forward headers w/ fields chosen by the user.defaults write scroll-to-open -bool TRUE killall Dock.Change Dock font, font size, colors, transparency.Click a listbox header to sort the login items.Press the "Load Save Point" button at the bottom right-hand corner of the window.Drag the configured settings into the save point list.Press the "Create Save Point" button at the bottom right-hand corner of the window.Choose "Advanced Features" from the "Window" menu.
#Macpilot alternative series#
This can be useful to deploy a series of settings across multiple computers, on a new installation, or revert to an earlier state. Save Points allow you to create a list of saved settings in MacPilot. The dashed checkbox means the feature has not been configured, and is using the operating system default setting whichever that may be. General "Dashed" checkbox - what does it mean? What are the gold badges next to features?.If you feel there is something missing from the documentation, please contact us.
#Macpilot alternative manual#
Our manual is always expanding! While we strongly believe our products as so intuitive you shouldn't need a manual, there are exceptions now and then.